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Night Trap
[Lisa opens the shower and sees in Aug inside] Lisa: Megan, this isn't gonna work; you're ...
by Night Trap
0 votes   471 views  

The Mighty Ducks
Gordon Bombay: You may make it. You may not. But that doesn't matter, Charlie. What matters ...
by The Mighty Ducks
0 votes   471 views  
The Cutting Edge
[Doug is carrying Kate's flowers and walking her back to her room. The long program ...
by The Cutting Edge
0 votes   471 views  
Life Stinks
Newscaster: ...the ceremony has erupted into pandemonium. As of yet, I'm not exactly sure what's happening... ...
by Life Stinks
0 votes   471 views  
Reversal of Fortune
Minnie: He says he doesn't have anything that'd help us. Alan Dershowitz: You with me? Sarah: Paydirt. Raj: What's ...
by Reversal Of Fortune
0 votes   471 views  
Death Proof
Stuntman Mike: [after getting shot by Zoe and speeding off. He drives to a remote road, ...
by Death Proof
0 votes   471 views  
Death Proof
Stuntman Mike: You know, a bar offers all kind of things other than alcohol. Pam: Hmm. Really? ...
by Death Proof
0 votes   471 views  
Quantum of Solace
Strawberry Fields: Mr. Bond, my name is Fields. I'm from the consulate. James Bond: Of course you ...
by Quantum Of Solace
0 votes   471 views  
Punisher: War Zone
Frank Castle: What do you want, Micro? Micro: Have you ever heard of jihadi-blogger.com? I'm posing as ...
by Punisher: War Zone
0 votes   471 views  
Krzysztof Kieslowski
I can identify with what Bergman says about life, about what he says about love. ...
by Krzysztof Kieslowski
0 votes   470 views  
Jennifer Harris
We know the federal government ultimately will bear much of the expense. But it`s still ...
by Jennifer Harris
0 votes   470 views  
Eric Carr
You know, who cares about seeing the girls when everybody wants to see the band. ...
by Eric Carr
0 votes   470 views  
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
Carmen: Is it fair to bribe the driver to turn around and go back home? Bridget: Oh ...
by The Sisterhood Of The Traveling Pants
0 votes   470 views  
Kaylee Frye: If you had a care for anybody's heart... Capt. Malcolm Reynolds: You knew he was ...
by Serenity
0 votes   470 views  
Herb Brooks: What the hell is wrong with you? Put your gear on. [pause] Herb Brooks: I ...
by Miracle
0 votes   470 views  
Garden State
Sam: This is Tickle. Andrew Largeman: What is Tickle? Sam: Tickle is my favorite thing in the whole ...
by Garden State
-1 votes   470 views  
Roxie: He was trying to burgle me. Assistant District Attorney Martin Harrison: From what I hear, he's ...
by Chicago
0 votes   470 views  
The Rules of Attraction
Mr. Lance Lawson: Can I interest you in a turn-on? Lauren: Um... no thanks. Mr. Lance Lawson: Well... ...
by The Rules Of Attraction
0 votes   470 views  
About Schmidt
Warren Schmidt: You're making a big mistake, don't marry this guy, don't do it. Jeannie Schmidt: What ...
by About Schmidt
0 votes   470 views  
Rat Race
Enrico Pollini: Look at us go! We're zooming! Zack Mallozzi: I told you! We're hauling ass! Enrico ...
by Rat Race
0 votes   470 views  
Saving Silverman
Wayne: So Darren tells me you're a psychologist. Judith: That's right. Wayne: I'm in a related field. Judith: Really? ...
by Saving Silverman
0 votes   470 views  
The Fast and the Furious
Johnny Tran: [about Jesse who is driving away] Where's he going? Dom: He went to the car ...
by The Fast And The Furious
0 votes   470 views  
[When he realizes what his first wish has turned him into] Elliot Richards: [in Spanish] Oh, ...
by Bedazzled
0 votes   470 views  
The Matrix
Cypher: Jesus. What a mind-job.
by The Matrix
0 votes   470 views  
October Sky
Homer: Listen, I'm sorry about what's going on around here, but it isn't my fault! What ...
by October Sky
0 votes   470 views  
Dark City
[Schraber mixes memories] Dr. Schreber: These do bring back memories. This one is still warm. What ...
by Dark City
0 votes   470 views  
The Beautician and the Beast
[Pochenko gestures to hit Katrina] Joy Miller: What are you doing? Boris Pochenko: You do not understand ...
by The Beautician And The Beast
0 votes   470 views  
Alien: Resurrection
Purvis: [shouting] What's in-fucking-side me? Ripley: There's a monster in your chest. These guys hijacked your ship, ...
by Alien: Resurrection
0 votes   470 views  
Sgt. Bilko
Pfc. Wally Holbrook: [Pvt. Doberman is playing tug-of-war with a horse for a bet] What's going ...
by Sgt. Bilko
0 votes   470 views  
The Island of Dr. Moreau
[When Edward Douglas attempts to radio for help] Montgomery: What are you going to say? "Mayday. ...
by The Island Of Dr. Moreau
0 votes   470 views  
The Cure
Dexter: Suppose you kept going another 18 billion light years, what if there's nothing out there? ...
by The Cure
0 votes   470 views  
Robert the Bruce: Now, you've achieved more than anyone ever dreamed. But, fighting these odds, it ...
by Braveheart
0 votes   470 views  
Robert the Bruce: I'm not a coward. I want what you want, but we need the ...
by Braveheart
0 votes   470 views  
Street Fighter
Chun Li: I spent the past ten years working in the media world, using it to ...
by Street Fighter
0 votes   470 views  
Maverick: [talking to the village thieves] The man who'll blow your brains out is Marshal Zane ...
by Maverick
0 votes   470 views  
The Crow
Eric Draven: MURDERER! Tin Tin: I didn't murder nobody man. I don't even fucking know you, man. ...
by The Crow
0 votes   470 views  
Justice League: The New Frontier
[first lines] The Centre: [narrating] Like all things on this hurtling sphere, I emerged from the ...
by Justice League: The New Frontier
1 votes   470 views  
El cantante
Puchi: You know we haven't been straight for three hours a day, for what, 20 years? ...
by El Cantante
0 votes   470 views  
Maureen Reagan
Women tend to give political candidates only about 10 percent of what males give, and ...
by Maureen Reagan
0 votes   469 views  
Kiana Tom
When I meet successful people I ask 100 questions as to what they attribute their ...
by Kiana Tom
0 votes   469 views  
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