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Grover Cleveland
Sensible and responsible women do not want to vote. The relative positions to be assumed ...
by Grover Cleveland
0 votes   435 views  

Eugene Levy
We went through all the scenes and they became kind of funny and they expanded ...
by Eugene Levy
0 votes   435 views  
Ellen Pompeo
It was the best thing that happened to me all week - to say the ...
by Ellen Pompeo
0 votes   435 views  
Mossad Accountant: In the operational funds box we will deposit 250,000 American dollars. You take it ...
by Munich
0 votes   435 views  
Over the Hedge
RJ: Please don't think I'm prying, but I couldn't help overhearing, and I think I can ...
by Over The Hedge
0 votes   435 views  
The Core
Dr. Josh Keyes: I'm married to my work. Serge Leveque: So am I. Which makes my wife ...
by The Core
0 votes   435 views  
Die Hard: With a Vengeance
Dr. Schiller: They want you to know who's doing it to you. So this name Simon ...
by Die Hard: With A Vengeance
0 votes   435 views  
Street Fighter
Zangief: General Bison is a bad guy? If you know then why do you work for ...
by Street Fighter
0 votes   435 views  
[Twitchy falls from sky] The Wolf: Twitchy! You scared me! Twitchy: [speaking very quickly] Hey boss, I ...
by Hoodwinked!
0 votes   435 views  
Max Pirkis
If the filming doesn`t interfere with school and exams and, I know this is a ...
by Max Pirkis
0 votes   434 views  
Jon Gries
On his definition of success: It`s not about the money. It`s not about the prestige ...
by Jon Gries
0 votes   434 views  
Fred Williams
They went out to buy new clothes in case they had to get back to ...
by Fred Williams
1 votes   434 views  
Brad Dourif
I`m formally trained, I don`t know what classically trained really means. I`ve worked with Sanford ...
by Brad Dourif
0 votes   434 views  
Fahrenheit 9/11
Narrator: As Bush sat in that Florida classroom, was he wondering if maybe he should have ...
by Fahrenheit 9/11
0 votes   434 views  
Hedwig and the Angry Inch
Tommy: Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour? Hedwig: No, but I... I ...
by Hedwig And The Angry Inch
0 votes   434 views  
Speed 2: Cruise Control
Annie Porter: Relationships based on extreme circumstances never work out.
by Speed 2: Cruise Control
0 votes   434 views  
[after live fireworks set fire to Walt Frazier's retired jersey in the rafters of Madison ...
by Eddie
0 votes   434 views  
Batman Forever
Batman: I read your work. Insightful. Naive, but insightful. Dr. Chase Meridian: I'm flattered. Not every girl ...
by Batman Forever
0 votes   434 views  
Sydney White
Amy: Hey Rachel. Check it out. My diet's working. I lost five pounds! Rachel Witchburn: [looks at ...
by Sydney White
0 votes   434 views  
Lars and the Real Girl
Lars Lindstrom: You don't care. Karin: We don't care? We do care! Lars Lindstrom: No you don't. Karin: That ...
by Lars And The Real Girl
0 votes   434 views  
Lisa Kudrow
[4/06] I think, on network TV, I`m still Phoebe to people and it would be ...
by Lisa Kudrow
0 votes   433 views  
John Thomas
We find it disturbing that the networks in question seem to have no problem exploiting ...
by John Thomas
0 votes   433 views  
Jo Frost
Their issue is separation. The father works in Kansas City, and the mother is home ...
by Jo Frost
0 votes   433 views  
James Ferguson
This story could be about how hard this is. I don`t think people know what ...
by James Ferguson
0 votes   433 views  
Anna Johnson
Women`s magazines punish us with their gorgeous photographs of Cameron Diaz`s ass and snappy diet ...
by Anna Johnson
0 votes   433 views  
Charlie Kaufman: You sound like your in a cult. Donald Kaufman: No, it's just good writing technique. ...
by Adaptation.
0 votes   433 views  
Grosse Pointe Blank
[catching up, while Martin has been away for ten years] Marty: How's your sister? Did she ...
by Grosse Pointe Blank
0 votes   433 views  
Deep Rising
Finnegan: [First lines] How we doin' out there, Leila? Leila: Fuck you! How you doing, my ass! ...
by Deep Rising
0 votes   433 views  
Beauty and the Beast
Mrs. Potts: Pardon me, Master... Beast: Leave me in peace. Mrs. Potts: But sir, the castle is under ...
by Beauty And The Beast
0 votes   433 views  
Drag Me to Hell
Waitress: So you're just going to sit here all night, drinking coffee? Christine Brown: Yes... No! Maybe! ...
by Drag Me To Hell
0 votes   433 views  
Matt Johnson
What I liked was the way the kids stayed together and kept working throughout the ...
by Matt Johnson
0 votes   432 views  
Lena Olin
What`s most interesting and most real to me in my work is to never make ...
by Lena Olin
0 votes   432 views  
Ellen Barkin
[Speaking in 1987] It`s difficult to be married outside the profession. A lawyer might not ...
by Ellen Barkin
0 votes   432 views  
Anthony Marshall
We will need to find a new chairman and secretary and I would like to ...
by Anthony Marshall
0 votes   432 views  
Danny the Dog
Sam: Do you remember me telling you about where I grew up? In New York City? ...
by Danny The Dog
0 votes   432 views  
Bend It Like Beckham
[explaining to Joe how she got the large burn scar on her thigh that makes ...
by Bend It Like Beckham
0 votes   432 views  
Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood
Sidda: [about Connor] Don't you think it's fishy that we're not married yet? I mean, he ...
by Divine Secrets Of The Ya-Ya Sisterhood
0 votes   432 views  
Wag the Dog
Stanley Motss: This is the greatest work I've ever done in my life - because it's ...
by Wag The Dog
0 votes   432 views  
Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery
[Austin Powers is drowning a man in the toilet] Austin Powers: Who does Number Two work ...
by Austin Powers: International Man Of Mystery
0 votes   432 views  
Jingle All the Way
Myron Larabee: I work for the post office so you know I'm not stable! Tell 'em! ...
by Jingle All The Way
0 votes   432 views  
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