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Orientation: A Scientology Information Film
Host: You don't have to believe us. Or even trust us. If you work with Scientology, ...
by Orientation: A Scientology Information Film
0 votes   358 views  

Delbert: How's it going? Building 20 Guard: Big night. Switched from tea to coffee. Brought new meaning ...
by Antitrust
0 votes   358 views  
Canadian Bacon
Boomer: Y'know, it's a free country. If he doesn't like it here, he can swim across ...
by Canadian Bacon
0 votes   358 views  
Basic Instinct
Nick: I'm working my ass off, I'm off the sauce, I even stopped smoking. Beth Garner: How's ...
by Basic Instinct
0 votes   358 views  
Finished in Mahwah
Unknown: [Last Lines] So would you work with them again? John Preston: Um... yeah, I think I ...
by Finished In Mahwah
0 votes   358 views  
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
Lola Beck: I'm heading for the Fleet marine lander. They've got weapons, and maybe even a ...
by Starship Troopers 3: Marauder
0 votes   357 views  
Kelly Ward
This is to prove to us that you are volunteers working with the coalition forces,
by Kelly Ward
0 votes   356 views  
John Clements
We`re working in the dark; we don`t have an inventory list. We had an elevator ...
by John Clements
0 votes   356 views  
Donald Sutherland
[on Julie Christie] Julie has such a wonderful film presence and fulfills everything I admire ...
by Donald Sutherland
0 votes   356 views  
Lone Star
Sam Deeds: Well, I'm working on a few things. I'm going over to the other side. ...
by Lone Star
0 votes   356 views  
Jon: You work too hard, Ed. Get a girl.
by Folks!
0 votes   356 views  
Carl Uffner: You and I are going to have to work together at some point. We've ...
by Anamorph
0 votes   356 views  
Valentin Dmitrovitch Zukovsky: So Mr. Bond, what is it that brings you to my neighborhood? Still ...
by GoldenEye
0 votes   355 views  
Jamie King
We`re thrilled to have been awarded the business for this leading AAA club. This is ...
by Jamie King
0 votes   353 views  
Brooke Smith
[About gaining notoriety from her work on Grey`s Anatomy (2005).] I`m anxious about losing anonymity. ...
by Brooke Smith
0 votes   353 views  
Senior Trip
[the whole gang is drinking on the bus] Lisa: [drunk] Dags? Dags: [even more drunk] Yeah? W-what? ...
by Senior Trip
0 votes   353 views  
On Deadly Ground
Forrest Taft: Well, let's see, that's natives 8, oil workers 0. Anyone else wanna play with ...
by On Deadly Ground
0 votes   353 views  
Laura Black: You work with the police? Mike Terry: [nodding] I've trained the police. Laura Black: And what ...
by Redbelt
0 votes   353 views  
Peter Russell
What we have been doing seems to have worked well so we won`t be changing ...
by Peter Russell
0 votes   352 views  
Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers
Man in black: [Producer's Cut] [before shooting Jamie] Man in black: Your work is finished now.
by Halloween: The Curse Of Michael Myers
0 votes   352 views  
Saw II
Addison: [Xavier is repeatedly whacking a door with a baseball bat with nails on it - ...
by Saw II
0 votes   351 views  
Superman Returns
Bo the Bartender: Must be tough coming back. Clark Kent: Coming back? Bo the Bartender: To work.
by Superman Returns
0 votes   351 views  
Undercover Blues
Lt. Theodore 'Ted' Sawyer: Isn't the baby a little young for dolls? Jeff Blue: It's for me. ...
by Undercover Blues
0 votes   351 views  
Free Willy
Wade: We've all become great admirers of your work, but all good things must come to ...
by Free Willy
0 votes   351 views  
Burn After Reading
Harry Pfarrer: Who the fuck do you work for, you fucker?
by Burn After Reading
0 votes   351 views  
Peter Davies
We respect that Scott has work to do with Wales yet, but we need to ...
by Peter Davies
0 votes   350 views  
Trees Lounge
Marie: You don't go to work every day. You go to a bar every day.
by Trees Lounge
0 votes   350 views  
Mike Nichols
[on working with Orson Welles on Catch-22] We were talking about Jean Renoir one day ...
by Mike Nichols
0 votes   349 views  
The Vanishing
Jeff Harriman: How long have you worked here? Rita Baker: Since the Dawn of Man.
by The Vanishing
0 votes   349 views  
The Deaths of Ian Stone
Jenny: What are those things? Ian Stone: I'm still working on that.
by The Deaths Of Ian Stone
0 votes   349 views  
Christopher Jones
We worked at NATO together for a summer and also worked at West Point.
by Christopher Jones
0 votes   348 views  
Igby Goes Down
Rachel: How you doin'? Igby: Good. D.H. Banes: Igby, Igby... how you doin'? Well. You're doing "well". How's ...
by Igby Goes Down
0 votes   348 views  
Gun salesman: [to Van Pelt, who is purchasing a new gun] You're not a postal worker, ...
by Jumanji
0 votes   348 views  
Guy: Don't any of the tits in this country work?
by Savior
0 votes   347 views  
Molly Finn: I wish we had never gone into this line of work.
by Beantown
0 votes   346 views  
Jack Crow: Let me just ask you one thing - after 600 years, how's that dick ...
by Vampires
0 votes   345 views  
From Hell
Kate Eddowes: We work the streets harder than ever, right?
by From Hell
0 votes   345 views  
Ann Wilder
We work hard. We don`t hang out a lot, but we get a lot done. ...
by Ann Wilder
0 votes   343 views  
Dawn of the Dead
Nicole: [C.J. is on the roof of Andy's Gun Works with a sniper rifle preparing to ...
by Dawn Of The Dead
0 votes   342 views  
Mike Williams
On both sides of the aisle, there are Legislators interested in workers.
by Mike Williams
0 votes   340 views  
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